I took a huge nap, which was a good thing because right before that I was trying to ssh into a server with the wrong password and I did it several times and didn't realize what I was doing until after I woke up. So yeah that's been Thursday.
I took a huge nap, which was a good thing because right before that I was trying to ssh into a server with the wrong password and I did it several times and didn't realize what I was doing until after I woke up. So yeah that's been Thursday.
@acarson Just use a public key. Simpler than passwords. 😀
@TRodick93 I don’t have any of that set up on this box yet, and I promise you didn’t want me doing that while I was in the process of hitting the wall earlier.
@acarson Heh. I store my SSH private and public key that I use for everything in OneDrive so it moves with me, whenever I have to reformat this computer.
@acarson I also took a massive nap. So necessary.