Get in #babkans and other #fedizens we're doing Thursday.

#Today has been brought to you by: Marketers ruining everything and attempting to turn what can absolutely be taken care of in an email into meetings. I'm hoping the emails are satisfactory because I am just not in the mood to people today.

We put in a tiny grocery order this morning, and other than that are just trying to stay warm while we listen to some graphic audio. I'm working on my third cup of coffee.

Me: Sends long email answering all the questions in as much detail as I can at this point.

Them: "sounds good. Does $time work for you?"

Me, in my head: "You little moron, why are you still trying to turn this into a meeting there is literally nothing I can tell you in that meeting that I didn't already say in an email and I really can't stand it when people waste my time just because they need to have a security blanky or whatever."
