
Honestly this last 3 months has been the worst version of "Worst person great point". With that said I think it's vitally important for those of us who are glad that people who we wouldn't normally agree with are pointing out the double standards and speaking up against antisemitism also make it clear that just because we agree with them on this one thing doesn't mean that they're right on things like trans rights/trans people and other stuff. 👁


Honestly this last 3 months has been the worst version of "Worst person great point". With that said I think it's vitally important for those of us who are glad that people who we wouldn't normally agree with are pointing out the double standards and speaking up against antisemitism also make it clear that just because we agree with them on this one thing doesn't mean that they're right on things like trans rights/trans people and other stuff. 👁

Toot by Keno GoertzKeno Goertz (

@levjoy @serge EFF signing on to this is disappointing because anybody who is anywhere remotely close to the content moderation space could have told these orgs that automated content moderation sucks specifically because it is unable to determine context and has trouble with things like regional dialects, and also that huge centralized platforms are unsustainable when it comes to content moderation. See also: content moderation at scale is impossible to do well. CM-adjacent folks have been saying this stuff *for years* every time conservatives try to play the "it's-a-large-coordinated-effort-to-silence-us" game and it's all just as applicable here as it is there.