From the "It Was Never About Antisemitism" Dept.:

"Conservatives see a chance to remake college campuses"

Let's stop pretending people like Elise Stefanik care anything about antisemitism just because the left has its own problem with antisemitism. Stefanik can wear the ally badge when she demonstrates the moral clarity she demands of others by forcefully and unequivocaly calling out the antisemites in her own party, starting with its leader.

#antisemitism #Jew-hatred

Toot by Serge from BabkaSerge from Babka (

To make this more concrete: As a Jew, I can absolutely pretend that people like Stefanik performing their allyship role mean it, and jump on their bandwagon in response. As a woman, the consequences of that will be less rights, as a Jew it will mean less religious freedom, and as a totally blind person it will mean a less and less accessible society. Spoiler alert: It's already pretty bad. Leftwing antisemitism absolutely sucks, and I don't think we should let it stand. But I have no intention of biting off my nose to spite my face when the result is all the bad stuff I mentioned plus I still have to deal with antisemitism, just the rightwing variety.