Toot by Serge from BabkaSerge from Babka (

@emilyk I think this article is right about how everything going on right now is some sort of psychological release for young white leftists, and wrong about everything else. Especially the age-old trope about how if the Jews would just give up everything that makes them unique, and just become voluntary rootless cosmopolitans everything will be OK and we can totally trust the people who have spent the last two months taking out their guilt issues on the Jews to not shit on the Jews once we do what they want. That right there is some nervy antisemitism.

@devinprater Nobody who's worked in web accessibility for anything longer than 5 seconds disputes this. Also, the prevalence of alt text on Mastodon is because Mastodon is essentially a web application, and thus, web accessibility applies. You're presenting a dichotomy that doesn't exist, and caring about alt text on here, which includes reminding people to add it, isn't any kind of indicator that operating system and native application accessibility aren't important.