Teri Kanefield (@Teri_Kanefield@law-and-politics.online) (Mastodon)
Attached: 2 images People are watching GOP reactions to Trump's TV confessions. Erick Erickson said, "Guys, Trump admitted on TV tonight he withheld documents from the grand jury. Game over, legally. What an idiot." "Legally" it's game over. But what about politically? How far will hardcore MAGA go to defend him? Will it split the party, thereby causing them to lose the 2024 election big time? (On the theory that Trump will torpedo any nominee that isn't him?) Or will they fall in line again?

I’m laughing at memes about billionaires who can’t pull themselves up to the surface by their own bootstraps, but in reality I’m furious.

I’m furious I was accused of human smuggling by FRONTEX (European border agency) for being part of a sea rescue operation that saved 1000+ lives of refugees fleeing war & terrorism.

I’m furious at the money and international effort being spent to rescue these billionaires when operations like ours cost so little and save so many lives, but are punished.


In reply to @ablackcatstail.

@ablackcatstail Also, re: Stallman: I love free software, and have contributed to several projects for a very long time, but be careful you don't go too far down the rabbithole. For example, if you require accessibility, it'll be necessary for you to essentially have a foot in both worlds. And Stallman doesn't really have an answer for that, (I.E., accessibility is not a part of any version of the GPL license, and tends to get short shrift by projects, and his answer is +

Two anniversaries today: microformats (18y) and POSSE (11y).

Happy 18 years of https://microformats.org/ #microformats!

Most prominent this past year (again) has been the littlest #microformat that could:

rel=me — AKA #relMe, now effectively the standard for #distributed #verification on the web:
* https://microformats.org/wiki/rel-me (originally introduced in 2004¹)

with support added in the past year for:
* #GitHub multiple rel-me links²
* #Wikipedia User page rel-me link³

#POSSE, short for “Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere”, as a term of use is now 11 years old³, which is surprising since when it was conceived, the #IndieWeb community was in a period of very rapid innovation & iteration.

POSSE itself replaced a previous term, “POSE”, short for “Publish Once Syndicate Everywhere”, which had only been around a year or two at most (I’m still looking for the first use of the “POSE” abbreviation for that meaning).

Since “publish once” was vague enough to include practices of publishing once on a social media silo, or in someone else’s garage⁵, we needed to clearly express the requirement to use your own site instead, first, as the source of your truth. Cross-posting to other sites & channels, is a second, optional step, ideally with a permalink linking back to your original post so viewers can easily discover and use your site.

That distinction was enough for POSSE to express a strong creator-owned-first publishing model that resonated and grew. Every time a silo shutdown⁶ at the end of its incredible journey⁷, removing posts & permalinks from the web, POSSE was there for people who were tired of losing their data, permalinks, & profiles, and wanted an alternative.

This is day 43 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb. #100Days

← Day 42: https://tantek.com/2023/160/t1/mastodon-activitypub-follow-form-bridgy-fed
→ 🔮




¹ https://gmpg.org/xfn/11#me
² https://tantek.com/2023/032/t1/years-relmeauth-replace-openid
³ https://tantek.com/2023/139/t1/wikipedia-supports-indieweb-rel-me
