I have adapted the scientific method per the latest developments in podcast science, as explicated in tweet format by Rogan, Musk, and Kennedy (2023). 
Rogan, J., Musk, E., & Kennedy, R. (2023). “Debate Me Bro: Reconceptualizing science as an attention-seeking testosterone contest.” Journal of Doubt Profiteering, 1(1), 1-2.


Mats Holberg (@Holberg@mstdn.social) (Mastodon 🐘)
Hunter Biden has actually been a very useful case study for the difference in this country between the right and the left. I’ve never heard anyone in my liberal circles suggest he shouldn’t be investigated and prosecuted if there’s evidence of wrongdoing. Joe Biden hasn’t blathered endlessly about political witch hunts, hasn’t insulted and attacked everyone involved in the process, and won’t make this a violence-inducing talking point at cultish campaign rallies. Because we’d think that’s nuts.
Grimm :bc: (@GrimmReality@beige.party) (beige.party)
Like a healthy percentage of dumb bigoted conservative twats who tried to stake out turf on Mastodon in days agone are basically blocked by a vast swath of the fediverse at this point cuz, y'know, it's not run by Elon Musk and therefore doesn't work actively to amplify the voices of verified sociopath assholes but they keep trying, like the intrepid sexless ubermenschen they think they are in spite of all evidence available from every social interaction they've ever had. Keep at it, guys. You are the 300 Spartans of Unloved Loserdom and, exactly like the 300 Spartans, you're fash-y dickbags and you lost.
Ro (@Are0h) (Ubiqueros: A PV Joint)
Declaring that banning gender-affirming care is unconstitutional is a devastating blow to a major piece of conservative campaign plans as we approach election season. Keep fighting these bigots. Keep pushing. Don't give them a moment's fucking rest. Make them regret the day they came into contact with you.

It’s not correct to say, as this author does, that all Abrahamic religions look to the afterlife exclusively, instead of life on earth. We do not reject embodiment. We don’t say to ourselves: go ahead, plunder resources, exploit the earth beyond its ability to heal. That’s not permitted.

Judaism has always focused on making the present, material life, sanctified. All of it.

In fact, eco-Judaism is original Judaism, not some modern afterthought tacked on by current sentiments. You cannot make your land into a wasteland & call yourself spiritually guided. It violates the very heart of our duties in this corporeal life.

Space is awesome, and I love it. But I have no illusions about a techo-miracle future. We’ve squandered our resources on disposable junk and poisonous convenience. Our future is here, whether we want it to be or not.

So let’s make it a place worth living in. Let’s sanctify our daily lives.

#Sustainability #ClimateCrisis #EcoFeminism #Sppirituality

