@Kataphract Not sure I'd classify it so much as different servers based on different topics. It's more like: You can join a server, running one piece of software, and talk to other people on other servers running other pieces of software. So, let's say you're on a Mastodon server, but you have friends on a Lemmy or Calkey or Miskey or KBin server. All of you can talk to each other and follow each other's posts, lists, communities, and you don't all have to have separate accounts for +

@Kataphract From your Mastodon instance's website, (not sure which client you're using), you can search for a user or a magazine, or drop a URL of a post from same, and reply or like or boost or follow. Once you've followed a user or magazine you'll get their posts in your home timeline and you can interact from there.

@Kataphract And, if, for example, there's a feature you really miss that Mastodon doesn't have, you can move to something that does have it and keep your followers/followings. For example, quote posts. Half my damn social graph is not-Mastodon. And I think Pixelfed has implemented import from Instagram although I haven't tested it yet since I don't do much Instagram.

@Kataphract I don't think anyone's done that at scale, because to do it correctly someone would need to also add support for some other protocols to cover projects like Hometown and Gnu Social. But devs are talking about essentially an ActivyPub client that just handles everything, like Friendica and Peertube and Funkwhale ETC instead of just a Mastodon app.

Obviously, given the standard ratio of 2 #Jews to 3 opinions there will be quibbles but this is one of the best short explainers I’ve read on #Jewish denominations, religious adherence vs secularization , and #zionism. I get a lot of questions given I dress as a visible #Jew and live in a Jewless wasteland of mayonnaise and treif so I might just keep this handy.


Music Publishers File (Somewhat Weak) Copyright Lawsuit Against Twitter by Mike MasnickMike Masnick

To be honest, I’m somewhat amazed that more copyright lawsuits haven’t been filed against Twitter yet. There have been multiple reports of how the company’s DMCA takedown response systems have been broken/ignored since Musk took over. Without looking for it, I’ve seen full length high def movies show up in my Twitter feed (including movies […]

Just listened to the podcast where Mike Masnick (@mmasnick) and Yoel Roth (@yoyoel) discuss moderation in a distributed environment. Fascinating discussion and well worth a listen. I’ve been diving into this topic lately as I’ve designed a collaboration tool based on #web3 technologies and want to avoid unleashing something toxic. Anyway, this is a great discussion about how hard it is to design and implement moderation practices in any environment, and the unique challenges in a distributed environment like ActivityPub/Mastodon.

Just an initial two takeaways for me personally:

Studying moderation eventually brings you directly to the need to study and understand human psychology. The really good parts and the really bad parts. Moderating social media takes a special strength to look into the abyss and wrestle with demons. Mike and Yoel touch on this in the podcast.

In this discussion I was also reminded of the anthropological and historical work studying the dynamics of family and tribal groups. The distributed Fediverse reminds me a bit of tribal organizations. I need to dig out some of that older work.

So many folks here on Mastodon are studying this topic in a serious way. Refreshing and exciting to experience the quality of discussion.

The podcast is here:

I always appreciate pointers to relevant work.

#moderation #fediverse #mastodon


Just got an email from YouTube Creators.

"Introducing podcasts on the YouTube Music app"

"Promote your podcast on and off YouTube!"

…and then the fine print:

* Podcasts on the YouTube Music app are currently only available for listeners in the US.


In case you need a refresher on what actually *is* a podcast:

