BORG: We are the Borg. Resistance is futile.
BORG: We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.
5YO: Why?
BORG: To expand the collective.
5YO: Why?
BORG: So that we may achieve perfection.
5YO: Why?
BORG: To reach the pinnacle of our evolution.
5YO: Why?
BORG: *sigh* Because it’s just something we do, ok?
5YO: Why?
BORG: … you know what? F this …*opens a transwarp conduit and leaves*


Okay, Mastodon friends, I rarely ask for amplification about my day job, but I personally pushed for my employer to make a big investment in enabling the fediverse, and I’d love for everyone to show that the support is appreciated. On June 28, you can join us for a (FREE!) hands-on conversation about how the Fastly team worked to support @Mastodon while the service was under a *massive* DDOS attack. Everyone who cares about scaling the fediverse should join: @devs


Why did the #TwitterMigration fail? by BloonfaceBloonface

I’ve been using fediverse stuff (Mastodon and, most recently, Calckey – I’m just going to use “Mastodon” as shorthand here, purists can bite me) for over a year now, and have been doing so full time for about six months, following Elon Musk buying Twitter (since on principle, I decline to give Elon Musk money […]

I think these opinions are worth considering, but they assume that those of us who have been on the fediverse for a long time want Mastodon to be a one-to-one Twitter alternative. Not all of us do, and we like the fact that it can be weird and that it’s nitche.