In reply to @MostlyBlindGamer.

@MostlyBlindGamer @weirdwriter I think it's fine to use both where possible. What I have a problem with is the assertion that we all started using a11y because not disabled/think accessibility is a dirty word. There are plenty of people who work in this space who are either disabled themselves or have disabled children/spouses who bust their asses, often at no cost to those they are helping, to be getting extra shit over a numeronym that we've been using for +

In reply to @BorrisInABox.

@BorrisInABox So this one time, I was working on a project for a not blind musician, and they wanted flac on their website because quality. Let me tell you that was not a fun conversation to have because I quite literally had to tell them that (1) it just isn't happening and (2) even if we could bolt on some js to make it work in one particular version of one particular browser there was no way we could do something that would be maintainable across all the browsers current.

In reply to @weirdwriter.

@weirdwriter @MostlyBlindGamer Why is it a problem for non-disabled people to use a numeronym? I mean it's not like they're not stepping up and doing the fucking work. Often without thanks. Some of the most patient, hard-working people in the accessibility space are non-disabled people, and if any of them ever decides fuck it I quit, we're in sorse trouble than we already are. And you're mad they're putting a numeronym on stickers and t-shirts?