Grimm :bc: ( (
Just a PSA, if you are a neck-veiny conservative white man just absolutely raring to do right-wing terrorism right now because you made a blithering cretinous fuckwit your messiah because of how poignantly his racism spoke to you and he turned out to be a pretty incompetent criminal and not enough of a dictator to get away with it, please be sure to yell about it on your standard Dogpatch Fascist Yayhoo social medium that I am sure is in no way being monitored by the feds because of how much smarter you are than them. #TrumpIndictment #RedneckTet
Steve ( (
The CEO of #AccessiBe is doing a "we're sorry we screwed up" tour across the internet, and claims he's apologized privately to those who have been fucked over by his company's tech. If so, I'm not one of them (despite my having had to create a guide to help people block their overlay from even loading). So until I get an apology or they take the product offline, I'm calling bullshit on the whole thing.
Elon Musk Says Twitter Is Going To Get Rid Of The Block Feature, Enabling Greater Harassment by Mike MasnickMike Masnick

One of the most important tools for trust and safety efforts is the “block” feature, allowing a user to entirely block someone else from following them. Yes, on Twitter you can get around this by going into incognito mode, but overall, the feature is a very useful tool for those being harassed to limit access […]

Matt Blaze ( (
One thing that strikes me about the Trump documents case is that it's almost entirely a sequence of unforced errors that yielded almost no obvious benefit to him. It's just narcissistic recklessness, lies, doubling down, obstruction, conspiracy, rinse and repeat. He could have simply returned the documents he knew about and cooperated in the recovery of the others. But he can't help himself.