Brian C. Keegan ( (🌱
Since some consequences of climate change have trickled up to the bigwigs concentrated in a narrow stretch between DC and Boston, there’s an approximately 48-hour window to remind them that this is only a preview of coming attractions unless we immediately invest in alternatives to the status quo. At the end of the 48 hours, these arguments will return to their default state of being fringe ideas promoted by woke leftists unmoored from real world concerns like preserving the status quo.
Judd Legum ( (Mastodon)
More predictions from the guy who said Elon Musk would save Twitter RT There are only three truly censorship resistant technologies at scale today: tor, bitcoin, and nostr. All are currently niche…showing most of the world doesn’t actually care about censorship. Granted, these technologies aren’t yet accessible or easy to use. But…they will be! 🐦🔗: /jack/status/1666076985242836993
Max Leibman ( (Mastodon)
When people complain that ubiquitous smartphone and earphone use in public places is isolating us from each other, what I hear is, “HEY! YOU, STRANGER WHO DOESN’T KNOW ME! I’M MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANYTHING GOING ON IN YOUR LIFE! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!” My time and attention doesn’t become part of the commons just because I happen to be passing through the commons. (Bringing this up apropos of nothing, including of any major product announcements that may or may not have been made this week.)
Mitch Wagner ( (Mastodon)
No, a rogue AI drone simulation did not kill its operator, despite recent news reports. Why make up a story about something like that? Because it enforces the narrative that AI is super-powerful and threatens human extinction, which is bullshit. But it’s profitable bullshit for AI grifters, who are literally the same people who were peddling crytop/blockchain grift untill last year —