The narrative of “kids are depressed because of phones/screentime” is so enticing for adults because it lets us off the hook for our myriad failures: the environment, creating a socual safety net, gun violence, racism, sexism, hate directed at LGBTQIA people, etc, etc.

Youth are rational actors. They see the mess we are creating, and know they have no choice but to live in it.

And: adults have also failed to create a humane and ethical tech industry!

But sure – blame kids for phone use.


#Debirdify has been suspended by Twitter without warning or explanation. Apparently it violated ‘Twitter rules and policies’, but that is all they told us.

We contacted Twitter support about the situation, but we are not particularly optimistic.

We always knew this could happen; it happened to other services in the past, so we are neither particularly surprised nor sad about it.

In the mean time, Fedifinder still works:

Use it while you still can!
