The following thread marks the end of my time on twitter. Multiple issues, such as data failing to update, data being cached in some instances but not others and thus causing weird behavior, etc made me decide I will trust this app no longer. It could lead to life threatening issues. These are the f...
Here's an excellent thread from Derek Riemer on Twitter's casche poisoning situation, which completely apart from the API stuff and other shenanigans over at Twitter is a recursive stack of catastrophies. See you on the other side Derek, and I'm following your RSS feed and hope you make it to the fediverse.
The normie kabuki dance.
After failing to kill the FCC nomination of Gigi Sohn because she'd be too tough on business, opponents have turned to smearing her with homophobic lies.
Shabbat shalom everybody see you in 25 hours. #MazelDon
I have a lot of problems with this news story! And now you're gonna hear about 'em!
Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker and other Democrats are treating red-state culture-warring as a foil.
After a college student finally found a treatment that worked, the insurance giant decided it wouldn’t pay for the costly drugs. His fight to get coverage exposed the insurer’s hidden procedures for rejecting claims.