A short little reflection on why spending time reading through the RSS feeds Tim Kadlec subscribes to has been a daily habit over the years that he continues to find to be valuable and incredibly enjoyable.
Try it! I've been comparing the two -- even though I have 1/10 the followers, I have TEN TIMES the engagement on Mastodon. From real humans!!
At the heart of every bot-detection tool is a human's gut feeling—and all the messiness that comes with it.
And an alleged arms trafficker claims he was targeted over Hunter Biden
Hey everybody I think my brain has been officially DDOSed by a marketing agency that really wants to build a type of website they absolutely do not understand. I think I'm going to have a beer.
Well damn. The beer cooler appears to have died at some point and the beer's warm.
Jira went down, Slack's gone, and site performance is degraded. What's next?

Analyzing ChatGPT's capabilities and various claims about how it will revolutionize cybercrime.
Covey was fired after his video showing rows of empty bookshelves inside a Florida middle school was blasted as a "fake narrative" by the Republican governor.
That “Well technically there are books in the same room” response is pretty fucking rich.
Twitter Spaces no longer lets you use captions if you’re listening on iOS. When listening to a Space on the web, captions don’t show. It’s unclear why they are gone.
I’m glad someone is talking about this.
Given the Court’s extreme new stance on the Second Amendment, it’s time to consider removing the issue from the federal judiciary’s jurisdiction.
If Nancy Pelosi had given Rachel Maddow tens of thousands of hours of 1/6 footage, the right-wing ragegasm would have wrecked the nation already.
Every day, a new bill is released that targets the transgender community in new and cruel ways. HB991 in Florida is the newest example, which could charge people $35k for transphobia accusations.
Oh look! Another instance of “Free speech for me but not for thee”! I’m sure the champions of free speech on these here internets will be all over this.
Good afternoon everybody and welcome to Friday. We're halfway through it, and John and I are going to have steaks and drinks with his brother and his wife this evening. We haven't done this in a while, where it's just us and not the older relatives, so this should be fun.
Looks like we're putting the gathering off until tomorrow, so John and I got ourselves some wings and we're having a chilled-out afternoon.
Shabbat shalom everybody, it's been another long week and I am going to enjoy 25 hours of disconnect. See you on the other side, and praying for safety for everyone in synagogues this weekend. #MazelDon #Jewish #Judaism #Shabbat #ShabbatShalom