Perfect Light by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg
Last week, as we saw Aaron and his boys get ordained, we arrived to the point at which they also, finally, got to put on their fancy work clothes as part of the process. And though I’ve written about the more metaphoric, poetic aspects of the priestly garb, I thought spending a moment or two on the actual duds themselves might be worthwhile. So:

Good morning everybody. It's raining here, and earlier this week I got to listen to an older relative respond to Elon's Twitter fuckery with "well there's good and there's bad." I really should write up the rant I delivered because I was absolutely not having it.

Chris Trottier ( (Mastodon)
People who say, "The Fediverse doesn't allow search" are literally making that up. And it's easy to refute. Do a search for your username on Google or DuckDuckGo, and you'll find so many of your posts. In your Mastodon account preferences, you can also set how indexable you want to be. If Fediverse search was impossible, why is so much of the Fediverse indexable by Google?
Tom Morris ( (Mastodon)
“Media discovers tech entrepreneur widely proclaimed for years to be smarter than Einstein, kinder than Jesus, and wiser than Solomon actually isn’t”. No questions then get asked as to who made said proclamations and no lessons are then learned as to why it might be a good idea to approach widely hyped technology with weary skepticism, as is pretty common among technologists actually working at the coalface.