Evil Bee (@Evil_Bee@cultofshiv.wtf) (The Cult of Shiv)
Attached: 1 video Kier Starmer is all 'lets have a respectful debate' now Iain Anderson from @stonewalluk@mastodon.social wants to reset the debate with anti-trans groups. No, just no. We tried that for years and you're asking trans people to 'debate' people who call us perverts and paedophiles, who mock our dead, who relentlessly attack us and want to remove our rights. Stonewall needs to actually listen to the trans community, we need a fucking voice that isn't 'chaperoned' and is actually representative.
Parker Molloy (@parkermolloy@masto.ai) (Mastodon)
I get that the GOP likes to pretend that MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech is a call for colorblindness (it's not), citing the "content of their character" line, but here's a little secret: If you're the type of person who feels the need to cling to that line, free from context, then the "content of your character" is pretty apparent, and it's not looking good for you.
L O L G O P (@lolgop@mastodon.social) (Mastodon)
Really sick of having Republicans crash the economy when they're in power and when they're not in power, they threaten to crash the economy to get things they couldn't pass when they were in power. RT @bpmehlman@twitter.com The debt limit has been raised 78 times since 1960: -49 times under GOP presidents -29 times under DEM presidents Per @NBCNews@twitter.com https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/debt-ceiling-deadline-will-republicans-pass-rcna65710