I bet you're wondering how we got here...
Musk went down conspiracy rabbit holes and sank Tesla's stock with his behavior. And he was confronted with a chorus of boos in the cradle of the tech industry.
It has been an absurd year for educational censorship.
Shavuah tov and chodesh tov everybody. Welcome to a new week. Just a heads-up for #indieweb folks that if you're using IFTTT to pesos stuff back to your sites, &status=draft no longer works. I'm throwing things at the wall to see what sticks and will post a solve for posting drafts when I find one that works.
Understanding The Limits of The First Amendment And How They Apply To Free Speech Analysis
So the IFTTT webhooks service just isn't that well-documented. At all.
Merry Christmas and happy 8th night of Hanukah everybody. Just hanging out and listening to some graphic audio.
Online harassment and various subcategories of it, like doxing and swatting, have attracted enormous interest for several years now—and particular interest in the world of game studies in the wake of 2014’s GamerGate harassment campaign. Such protracted, crowdsourced campaigns remain undertheorized, however. Using contemporary research to modify Georg Simmel’s formal sociological method, I provide researchers and the wider public with an easily visualized structure that most harassment campaigns follow: the form of an inverted pyramid bearing down on an individual target, stratified into three orders of harassment, each defined by level of severity and invasiveness. With this form, the public can more clearly visualize online harassment as a structural rather than individual phenomenon. This form makes a significant contribution to social media research by providing an approachable theoretical framework for future studies and can also frame design interventions on harassment.