SnoopJ :python_logo:馃珷 ( (
The more I see gushing uncritical praise of machine learning, or worse, completely fabricated accounts of what people think goes on inside machine learning models, the more I worry about what seems increasingly like a literacy problem on the part of users. When people don't understand a technology, they just start making things up that sound like they could be true and which fit their existing biases. What's that gonna look like going forward with stuff like LLMs?

So I just read the new Twitter policy on promotion of other social media platforms for free, mostly because I've seen a lot of discussion and wanted to read the entire thing. The following things are true: Elon has the right to do whatever he wants on his private platform, and, this is incredibly dumb and I kind of hope the other socials start blocking Twitter links. And finally, some of the stuff people are doing to get around this is hilarious and I hope Elon has fun playing whackamole.