We need to urge corporations like VWGroup@mastodon.social to donate big time to the instances they join. Especially if they join an already big instance like mastodon.social.

And long term, they should be running their own instances and employing a social media manager to run them.

If these corporate users from the #TwitterMigration don’t do their part, they will have a hand in killing Mastodon before it really gets started — and everyone who’s made Mastodon their social media home will be incredibly upset!


General warning to all new users: most mastodon servers are going to perform poorly as they take on a lot of new users. Most servers are small affairs run by a single person. Things are going to be slow, and things are going to break.

Be patient, be respectful, and tip your admin.

It’s going to be a rough ride in the fediverse for a while. These are strange times and no one was prepared.

Mastodon is strange and new, and it’s uncomfortable here right now. Be patient, it’s worth it.


If you’re an admin/mod and you’ve got a patreon running for your instance, respond to this with a link and maybe a little about your server/whether you’re open.

I’ve seen lots of people looking to support admins financially, whether their own or just in service of the fedi, but not always knowing where to go except the main dev patreon.


I've got one of my Twitter archives and am waiting for the other. I've deleted both Twitter sessions from my client because I just don't have the desire to look at it at this point. And, I'm not a Taylor Swift fan really, but it looks like a millennial is going to kill Ticketmaster and honestly that's probably a good thing.

Gentle reminder: when mentioning users on Mastodon, make sure to include the whole address. Doing this makes it easier to find people regardess of instance. Even if you are local to the person or even if the person is on your instance, getting into the practice or writing the whole address may help to understand Mastodon better, and help otehrs find the person you are mentioning should they need to interact with them.
