I am just sitting here slack-jawed at the latest news coming out from Elon Musk’s Twitter, where employees are being forced to sign a “pledge” by the end of the day tomorrow, or else they be let go with 3 months’ severance. This is rapidly becoming a cult.

I think we here on Mastodon should start up a betting pool as to the exact date when Elon Musk actually kills Twitter. I honestly can’t see how the company survives 365 days under these circumstances.


hey are you working on an #activitypub project, or thinking about #decentralized computing post bird flu? I’d love to chat with you about what you’re up to, how you find working with the spec, and gotchas that might come from annoying, in the trenches work for a potential zine or website resource for folks starting out along the path (and to give me something to write about to motivate my own exploration)
