drink Amanda CAARSON · 25 Tishri 5782 (Friday 1 October 2021) · 0 minutes to read Coffee with peppermint mocha creamer ( ) 40° 47.39 N -77° 51.015 W 44 °F Partially cloudy
repost Amanda CAARSON · 25 Tishri 5782 (Friday 1 October 2021) · 0 minutes to read So Tim Scott was simply virtue signaling and Republicans were never serious about police reform. Who could’ve seen this coming, aside from everyone. https://t.co/3QCViDU9bp— Ahmed Baba (@AhmedBaba_) September 22, 2021
repost Amanda CAARSON · 25 Tishri 5782 (Friday 1 October 2021) · 0 minutes to read It was bad. It was wrong. It needs to be corrected. It was not worse than slavery. Stop it. Please. https://t.co/8BOzeDg4Ee— @ijbailey (@ijbailey) September 22, 2021
repost Amanda CAARSON · 25 Tishri 5782 (Friday 1 October 2021) · 0 minutes to read Not if your “disagreement” is rooted in my oppression. https://t.co/gc1e4nNMxR— George M Johnson (@IamGMJohnson) September 22, 2021
read Amanda CAARSON · 25 Tishri 5782 (Friday 1 October 2021) · 0 minutes to read Inside the Conservative Fever Swamp by Michael A. Cohen John Nolte inadvertently lays bare the narcissism and victimology of modern conservatism.