Hey #WordPress am I rangling this correctly and #Gutenberg does not have a link block? Sure, I can type the HTML, but the whole point of Gutenberg is for users to be able to do the web thing without knowing code, and the absence of a link block seems like something that shouldn’t be the case.
@arush What’s worse is that the blocks assume to know more than I do with what I intend to do with the link markup, specifically things like webmention-related attributes.
@tw2113 “Decisions not options” is not a thing we have any right to be proud of. Not when it results in things like wpautop or limiting choices about markup for links and now that I think of it why is it OK to limit choices about markup for links but not OK to tell devs make your shit accessible because freedom of choice or something?
@arush hard to disagree here and I don’t have great answers either for these problems