Blind people who don’t work in the accessibility space can tell those of us who do how to interact with developers after they’ve spent a week wading through 37 levels of div soup coupled with WordPress shortcode insanity. Until then, keep your advice to yourselves.
I hear ya. Always fun when people who have never worked a day in your field think they know how to do your job.
How about this? I’ve been asked to do FREE consulting for accessibility before, because “you’re an expert at this so it should be easy”. And when I said no way, I got the guilt trip “But what if we get sued?” Yeah, good Q, maybe why you should pay my rate vs a lawsuit?
My response is something along the lines of “If you get sued, it’ll be because your code and design are quite lacking in quality, and I’m not going to remedy your already-existing problems for free.”
Here’s the thing about lawsuits that nobody who rails against them seems to grasp. They come about because of significant issues, not low-impact stuff like your heading structure is wrong.
Damn straight. And I’m not saying people aren’t entitled to their opinions, but the minute you start making demands of me from that position we have a problem. And by you, I don’t mean you specifically.