So apparently the 10,000-step count was a marketing campaign to promote a particular pedometer. I’m glad to find this out. Not that I’m feeling particularly guilty for not meeting my 10,000-step goal, but I now have sort of official permission to rebel against my pedometer overlords and adjust my goal down. Thanks for that tip, Kerry.

A huge grocery run was executed yesterday, and since I got one of the boxes with pots and pans in it this past weekend, I am making barbecued chicken in the crockpot tomorrow for dinner and mixed veggies and I am looking very much forward to it. I’m looking forward to doing a lot of cooking experimentation this summer and into the fall. I have so many recipes I want to try out. Welcome to Wednesday everybody.

The crockpot barbecue chicken has been unit tested. Verdict: Awesome! Dinner is going to be amazing, and all the moreso because I get to have it and you don’t. 🙂 If you want it, it’s a matter of getting some of your favorite barbecue sauce and some boneless skinless chicken thighs from your grocery store, making sure they’re thawed and washed, and put in the crockpot with the sauce poured over them and cooking on high for about five hours. Cook on medium if you’re going to be gone all day. For the blinks, when it starts to sizzle, turn it off and let cool, after unit testing of course. Then, serve with veggies cooked and seasoned according to preference, and a starch, (potatoes new or red, or yams). Bread and dessert optional. If you’re going to serve with a bread, challah is great.