I spent some time this afternoon converting my Facebook profile into a page so I can automatically post to it from my website. Then I jumped in the shower and, (because hot showers are excellent places for ideas), a few things occurred to me, in no particular order. First, my websites have feeds for post kinds and categories. Why this is or how this works doesn’t matter though. What does matter is that I can automatically post to any particular Facebook page with one or all of the feeds, which means I can also create a page for each category on Facebook. This means people on Facebook can consume whatever content of mine they want, and not consume the stuff they don’t want, sort of like newsletters except for Facebook, and I get to automatically post to these pages, which means I don’t have to do the work of manually copying and pasting to Facebook whenever I create content. I still haven’t figured out how I’m going to handle Twitter yet, except that I can send technical content to my business account and all the boring personal stuff to my personal account. I’ll figure out something for the stuff that may be controversial or start arguments later. I’ve sent invites to the new page to the friends on Facebook who I think are probably more interested in my personal goings on than my opinions on whatever, but just in case I’ve missed anyone I’ll also share this to my profile so that anyone who didn’t get the invite can follow it.

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