The Giants won the World Series, so naturally, San Francisco has lost its mind. There are honking horns and screaming drunk people all over the place. Today was also the last day of my WordCamp trip, which I spent at Automattic working on WordPress and meeting a few last minute people, as well as raiding the fridge for one last beer on Matt’s dime. It was good beer too. But the fact that it was free makes it even better.

Sleep will likely be fitful tonight, because of pre-flight jitters plus drunk screaming people, and I need to keep the window open because there’s no air conditioner in this room. There is wireless though, and that’s the important thing. Gotta keep the priorities straight.

I’m sad that both baseball and WordCamp are ending at the same time. WordPress will continue unabated, but I’ll have to wait for baseball until next spring. The weather’s been nice here. It didn’t get hot until today. For the rest of the time, it’s been pleasantly cool. I’ve walked a ton, and I’ll be surprised if I’ve lost no weight. I plan on sleeping for as long as possible as soon as I get home tomorrow evening.