@Goldfingas Lists are your friend. Use them.
@jamminjerry That’s internal bandwidth it’s using, so it’s not going to matter what your allotted bandwidth is from the provider.
@reevesman Well configure it then!
@CalmWaters73 @MusicOfHope @richcav @Tr_Diva I think that while this guy went over the top, calling him abusive in any sort is a stretch.
@reevesman You lose them when you transfer phones, but if you get set up I can resend.
@FreakyFwoof @reevesman Really? Wow.
@CalmWaters73 @MusicOfHope @richcav @Tr_Diva What’s wrong with expecting her to do a few chores?
@CalmWaters73 @MusicOfHope @richcav @Tr_Diva Like I said, he went over the top, but saying he’s abusive is an unfounded stretch.
@CalmWaters73 @MusicOfHope @richcav @Tr_Diva If he had pointed the gun at her, then you’d have a case.
@CalmWaters73 @Tr_Diva @richcav @MusicOfHope @Mexi77 That’s quite a scew. Daughter pisses dad off, dad shoots his gun *at an object.
@CalmWaters73 @Tr_Diva @richcav @MusicOfHope @Mexi77 Not a person, an object. There’s quite a difference there.
@CalmWaters73 @richcav @MusicOfHope @Tr_Diva @Mexi77 No it’s not the same thing.
@CalmWaters73 @Tr_Diva @richcav @MusicOfHope @Mexi77 And for all we know, this is the only thing he’s done.
@CalmWaters73 @Tr_Diva @richcav @MusicOfHope @Mexi77 If other evidence comes out, then you’ll have a point.
@CalmWaters73 @Tr_Diva @richcav @MusicOfHope @Mexi77 You’re mixing your general oppinion on guns with what’s going on here, which is unfair.
@CalmWaters73 @Tr_Diva @richcav @MusicOfHope @Mexi77 And you’re making all sorts of assumptions based solely on your views on guns.
@CalmWaters73 @Tr_Diva @richcav @MusicOfHope @Mexi77 Because if you’ve watched the video, you’d know that they already tried taking it away.
@CalmWaters73 @Tr_Diva @richcav @MusicOfHope @Mexi77 That may be true. But all I’m saying is that jumping from bad idea to he’s abusive TBC
@CalmWaters73 @Tr_Diva @richcav @MusicOfHope @Mexi77 is stretching it.
@CalmWaters73 @richcav @Mexi77 Once again, a stretch. Are you going to say that anyone who takes out frustration on an object should TBC