@dogsandwich @chicksdigmacs @FreakyFwoof Yeah, but cli is pretty much the definition of complete geek.
@izzie_g Oh. Are you out in the chicken coup or something? Getting breakfast ready?
@Tr_Diva Join us on the Zone!
@mominisrael OK probably not more than his older brothers.
@dogsandwich @chicksdigmacs I think there’s good and bad with cli.
@dogsandwich @chicksdigmacs This is true, and this is why linux will never take over the desktop. Ever.
@Blair_42 Keao says you hate your iThing and that you like the Droid better.
@Blair_42 If you do a live show I’ll be happy to call in and explain why Android sucks when compared to iThings.
@chicksdigmacs @dogsandwich That’s fine, but Linux will never take over the desktop.
@chicksdigmacs @dogsandwich Too much babysitting/learning curve for the average consumer/user.
@dogsandwich @chicksdigmacs And don’t even get me started on the update process under Linux.
@chicksdigmacs @dogsandwich I think for most users ease of use is a big issue.
@dogsandwich @chicksdigmacs That’s true too.
@wesderby Well, it depends on whether or not all the mantras and Hindu god stuff that’s thrown in.
@bardsong I’m getting a new idevice tomorrow. So I’ll naturally spam Twitter.
@toonhead There’s an issue with the Droid market that pretty much makes it inaccessible.
@toonhead They’re not using it as of the most recent update.
@toonhead And I’m done having to geek out with my phone just to get crap working.
@CMBnet @TheColorMeBadd You lucky b*ch! Just kidding. Enjoy the show.
@seedofeulogy @khoath Yeah that’ll get real awkward, real fast.