@seedofeulogy @darrell @EllenDatlow @awallens @sledge071 I’m all for alt sex if people want that, but this is way beyond the pale.
@Ali8923 @darrell @EllenDatlow @awallens @sledge071 @seedofeulogy I’m not sure they do exist.
@Ali8923 @darrell @EllenDatlow @awallens @sledge071 @seedofeulogy I can’t bring myself to feel sorry for these people.
@Ali8923 @darrell @EllenDatlow @awallens @sledge071 @seedofeulogy No one feels sorry for rapists, so explain to me how this is different?
@venison88 If you want to call it injustice, fine. But ddon’t compare the two situations.
@venison88 There seems to have been a lot of violence going around, on both parts.
@venison88 So if you’re extending that to both sides, then I agree with you.
@Ali8923 @darrell @EllenDatlow @awallens @sledge071 @seedofeulogy Sorry, it just seems like you’re playing a very good devil’s advocate.
@Ali8923 @darrell @EllenDatlow @awallens @sledge071 @seedofeulogy If you’re anti-death penalty across the board, then I understand.
@Ali8923 @darrell @EllenDatlow @awallens @sledge071 @seedofeulogy But as far as I’m concerned, they’re a threat to society,
@Ali8923 @darrell @EllenDatlow @awallens @sledge071 @seedofeulogy And should be dealth with accordingly.
@seedofeulogy @Ali8923 @darrell @EllenDatlow @awallens @sledge071 No, it’s not statutory. At all.
@Ali8923 @darrell @EllenDatlow @awallens @sledge071 @seedofeulogy I’m not saying I have all the answers, but this seems pretty damn clear.
@Ali8923 Agreed.
@OHCONSERVATISM Yes exactly. They should allow us to block mentions.
@MurryPrincess Make sure you get people to sign it with highlighter.
@samir Or Stevie. Don’t forget Stevie. As in, Stevie Nicks.
@kvetchingeditor I think the best and most thorough tutorials are at http://t.co/CbBThgj7. Other than that, not much for tutorials.
@wesderby I was getting so much spam that I had to start modding every comment. On top of using Achismet.