Class over for Monday. Now time to do more Java homework… #FB
RT @Had2SayIt: Just held the door open for an Asian man. He said, “Sank you.” He better not be talkin about Pearl Harbor…
@deblewis53 @JeffBishop Wait, he’s not even going to finish up with this beta cycle and release a final product?
@dfibraio You’re the GM, so you get to make the ultimate decision on it.
@blackGayNinja Very awesome!
@jage9 No it hasn’t gotten here yet.
@wa4wga Wow that’s really messed up. Searching hairstyles now? Sheesh!
@wa4wga I’ve never played with AIM and FB directly so can’t really comment.
@Mexi77 @yorufukurou @Simon818 @rwnutjob Yes it would be very cool if they would port Youru over to Win7.
@CrazyCatGuy Oops…
@mominisrael No, I wouldn’t, and yes, it bothers me that non-Jews do.
@mominisrael But I suppose if they were naming their children Priest, maybe I’d feel a little different.
@quanin LOL that’s really sick.
@TheColorMeBadd Aw man that would be awesome!
@KG0BP Aw poor Abbie. Hope she gets better soon.
@MrDCConn Cool. I think I want that T-shirt too.