@Blair_42 @Mexi77 I don’t want to even think about the resultant constapation.
@Mexi77 They should just tell the other inmates he tried to touch children and then put him in gen pop.
@RicksterTheGeek It amazes me how many people get Macs and expect very little change given it’s an entirely new OS.
@RicksterTheGeek And then forget that they didn’t learn Windows in a day.
@Blair_42 Yep I think that’s about the size of it.
@Blair_42 But then I suppose that would give you plenbty of extra time to chant.
@RicksterTheGeek I don’t think there’s any more change involved than there would be with any other OS.
@dfibraio @nightdrake When you turn 40, i’ll make sure to enroll you in AARP.
@Mongwen Oh yeah there’s that too.
New words learned today: Get-out-of-grope card, happy boom blocks, and government aproved sexual assault. Discuss.
@Dishnut @Blair_42 Lol yeah really.
@johnmill79 Sure. If you’re paying I’ll gladly do it.