I’m standing out here waiting for the bus. It feels weird not having to carry a bunch of crap with me, but all I have today is my Econ final. I hope I do well on it, but even if I totally screw it up, or even if I ace it, I’m going to end up with a B in the class. He’s counting the four best test grades. I’ll be glad when it’s done and over with. More afterwords.

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Here in Greenville, we will light the Hanukah and Shabbat lights a little after 4:30 this afternoon. Before I do that, I’d like to extend wishes for a Shabbat shalom and a Hanukah Sameah (happy Hanukah) to everyone who’s celebrating. I hope everyone has a joyous time, full of good food and closeness with family, and fun too. Enjoy the latkes.

Happy third day of Hanukah to everyone. So far it’s been a good one for me, mostly because I think I’ve done pretty good for myself this year. I haven’t had to use any additional candles thanks to my not breaking any, (last year I accidentally broke a couple while I was trying to get them into the hanukiah and stable so they could be lit), and I haven’t had very much trouble with the lighter either. I use a lighter for both Shabbat/yom tov/nahalot (Yahrzeits) candles since they’re easier and probably safer in my case. I hope that doesn’t create halakhic issues. I like Hanukah because of all the lights. As we get to the fourth night onward, I can sort of see the light, although not very much. I do wish, however, that I could find a Hanukiah/menorah that takes standard tapers, as those would be easier to light. But I’ll keep looking, as I’m sure one has to exist, and maybe I’ll find one in time for next year.