Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I got a message from the DA’s office this afternoon, letting me know that the two trials I was supposed to be tesstifying at this week have been continued until 22 January.
I didn’t get this information until I made it a point to contact the DA’s office again to try to see what has been going on since I was never served.
It’s amazing to me how they can get away with doing their job like that.
If I were that incompetent, I’d have been fired long ago, and rightfully so.
Oh well, at least I have someone’s personal office number, so I know where to direct my hounding.

I have to start getting ready for work in about a half-hour, because I have
to be to work at 06:00 this morning.
Yes, it puts me off by 15:00, but that’s a very early start for the day.
It’s supposed to be in the 70’s today, which is odd for December.
It’ll probably be like this for Christmas Day too.
Oh well, at least it means I don’t need to run the heat.
L-J-ers, I’m surry I haven’t updated in a while, but the crosspost plugin
isn’t functioning correctly, and so far, there hasn’t been a fix.
You might want to add the Customerservant.com RSS feed to your feed readers,
if you’re using one.
The feed address is http://customerservant.com/feed/.
If you’re not using an RSS reader, I recommend that you do, because it will
give you a place to organize all the blogs/journals you read, and if you use
a web-based reader like Bloglines, Newsgator, or MyYahoo, you can access it
from anywhere.
I hope you’re all doing well.
A good week to all.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I actually get to come into work tomorrow at 07:30 instead of 06:00.
That’s so great.
I’m writing this post using Firefox, and things seem to be loading/working a whole lot faster.
We’ll see how the app handles all the windows I need to keep open throughout the day, and if it handles it all well, I just might switch.
I like being able to browse via tabs, and I’m not going to pay the $200 it will take to upgrade my Jaws license just so I can use IE7’s new tabbed browsing feature.
Now, the only thing I need to figure out is how to close a tab.
If I can do that, then I can use Firefox to read all the blogs I normally do.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I normally try to stay away from making new year’s resolutions, because I usually end up not fulfilling them.
Nonetheless, I thought this would be a good time to look back on how far Customerservant.com has come over the last year, and where I would like it to go in the coming year.

The year didn’t get off to a good start as far as the blog was concerned, due to a major upgrading disaster.
Lesson learned: never try to do major blog platform upgrades while you have the flu.
I was honored to host the New Blog Showcase for 7 May of 2006, and would like to do that again in 2007.
It gave me the opportunity to spread the word about new blogs, as well as find some new ones to add to the blogroll.
I participated in this year’s CSS Reboot in the spring, and hope to do so again in 2007, this time with a little more theme work.
As far as site statistics go, I’ve doubled my traffic from last year’s numbers, and I’m grateful for everyone who stops by.
I’ve also been able to bring in a little advertising, and I hope to fine-tune that in 2007.
I’ve also met a lot of interesting bloggers, at least as far as online is concerned.
For 2007, I’d like to look into coming up with a Customerservant.com logo as well, and I’d like to include more images within posts.
I’d also like to offer a sincere thanks to my readers.
Without you guys, I’d just be talking to myself.
Come to think of it, maybe this blog reflection stuff isn’t such a bad idea after all.
This post is part of Problogger’s latest group writing project.
He’s still taking submissions, and there are some cool prizes being offered, plus links, so consider participating.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I’ve spent the last several hours implementing some new features for the site, namely the ability to display current mood, reading, music, location, ETC.
It’s been rather frustrating.
I’ve spent most of my time tinkering with the code that effects the display, not the code that allows for the information to be entered in.
My sleep schedule’s all screwed up, thanks to my work hours being like they are.
I’ll probably go to bed for a little while later on, but I don’t want it to be an all-day thing, because I want to be able to sleep later tonight.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I posted earlier in the week that I had implemented a moods feature for the site.
I now have a much easier way to handle this feature.
Earlier, I had to enter in a custom field for each post, wait for it to update, and then publish the post, which ended up creating a draft for the post that was already published.
Since I’m not a fan of unnecessary work, I felt this needed to change.
So I found a plugin that will allow me to specify current mood, music and what I’m watching on TV, if anything.
It will allow me to select from drop-down lists, at least for the mood, and hopefully won’t require any of the unnecessary work I so loath.