Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I didn’t realize that Greenville has an authentic Middle Eastern restaurant.
I love Middle Eastern food, and when I found the listing on the Restaurant Runners site, and started looking through the menu, my mouth started watering.
The restaurant is called The Olive Grove.
They have Schwarma, and falafel, and hummus, and a whole bunch of other mouth-wattering foods.
Definitely yum, and definitely part of tonight’s menu.

Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

Apparently people have been transferring callers to the pharmacists without submitting an alledged errors referral.
It’s been stated since day one of this project that, whenever you transfer a call to the pharmacy, an alledged error referral has to be submitted.
Yet these people need to be told to make sure they submit the referral.
When will evolution take its course?

Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

It looks like I didn’t manage to miss Ghetto Idol, the May/June/July Edition.
The prizes?
The lucky winners get their own parking space, their own work station, (yes, they’re at a premium), a certificate, (probably printed in black and white on regular paper because the company doesn’t want to spend much money on such things as color paper and color printing), and a $15 Target gift card.
I have to give Merick credit, he’s really trying to boost the morale.
I just hate spectacles, especially the ghetto kind.

Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I’m going into this weekend with a full paycheck, two extra days off thanks to PTO (or however John ends up putting it in, but either way, they’ll be company-free), and my guest will be here by 14:00 tomorrow.
Consequently I’ll be incommunicato after that point, until Tuesday morning.
I’m glad for this weekend.

Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I just had an agent come to me with a situation in which a member received some medication from us on June 15th, and who says they’re concerned because some of the pills look different, yet neglected to call us about it until this morning.
It’s now August 9th.
Obviously you weren’t that concerned.
I let it through, because if a member calls and says their meds look different, then we have to transfer it just to avoid liability.
I can’t say I wasn’t tempted to deny it though.

Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

Today will most likely be very long.
I was up and down all night blowing my nose and coughing, (yes, I know, not the most pleasant thing to read about), and have been up since about 04:00 this morning unable to fall back to sleep.
I hope I don’t get very many calls today, and I probably won’t.
I also hope to post more today than I have in the last little while.
Lately I just haven’t felt like posting any of my own work, and am thankful for the blogburst material to keep the pings coming from this blog to Technorati and the fifty or so ping services I have listed for that purpose.

Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I knew there was a reason to tell Embarq, (Sprint’s latest incarnation), to bite me.
I’m having problems with my earthlink mail, and since Embarq provides their email through earthlink, I figured I’d have to call them.
The “tech” who picked up the phone asked me four times what my phone number was, then if I could connect to the internet, then was I sure I could connect, then was I *sure* I could connect, before telling me that I had to call Earthlink because they’re not responsible for the mail side.
I wonder if Embarq uses Convergys to outsource their calls.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they do.

Originally published at customerservant.com. Please leave any comments there.

I got back early from lunch, and was setting up the Pacmate, and my phone started ringing.
Since I was still on lunch, I didn’t pick up.
The agent let the phone ring until I clocked in, which was about five minutes.
The little bastards need to read their memo, and try internalizing what it says for a change.
I’m not giving up five minutes of my lunch, just like they’re not giving up five minutes of theirs to get back to work.
If they want to get mad because I’m not there when they call, whenever they call, then too bad.