Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I just spent the last half hour or so cutting up vegetables for what was supposed to be a nice, big salad for tomorrow’s lunch.
It turns out I don’t have any plastic bags around, (you know, the ones you get from the grocery store), and my lunch box is too small for the container.
So that nice big salad will be tomorrow night’s dinner.
It’s got lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, cheese, and turkey, and I’ve got some Ranch dressing in a separate container.
So all I’ll have to do after work tomorrow is come home, get a fork, and eat.
I suspect that something will go wrong tomorrow at work, and I won’t feel like cooking anyway.
I really do hate to have to be that pesimistic about my job, but for now, it’s just the practical thing to do.
I hope everyone’s had an enjoyable weekend.

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