Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

This morning, when I got into work, I turned the system on, only to find that the master boot record had been corrupted.
One of the technoshepherds got it back up and running, and I played around with the new apps for the new project that’s supposed to start Monday.
I don’t have any log-in information, so I couldn’t go very far with it.
Everything seemed to be accessible though, at least as far as the log-in screens were concerned.
Work? Maybe?
I’d much rather the permanent positon be off the phones, but at this point, if the new project seems to be accessible, I’ll take that too.
It’ll increase the writing done for this site, and should make the days a little less dull.
I’m not fooling myself though.
Customers will be just as rude on the new project as they have been on the last two, and they’ll piss me off just as much.
But, at least then I’ll be able to say I’m earning my keep.
I think I’m going to walk down to HR to see about exempt status concerning the taxes that get taken out of my paycheck, what needs to be in place for me to qualify, ETC.

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