@MurryPrincess Oh that’s bad. I hope you’re feeling better.
@Liamerven You might want to check with the IRS.
@PrincessKaitlyn If not a zippo try that if you have one.
@PrincessKaitlyn Yeah but is it one of those big long ones or a zippo?
@PrincessKaitlyn What kind of lighter are you using and what for?
@Tr_Diva You’ll probably have to create a new account then.
@JamesScholes I can’t understand why the NFB had to be such asses and oppose that over here.
@JamesScholes Yes totally agree. There’s closed caption, why not described?
@JamesScholes I’m not saying it has to be free, but access is a definite.
@JamesScholes Personally I would love to see legislation passed that grants complete access for the blind to all publications.
@JamesScholes @mitmee_pie Interesting fact: Some publishers create fonts that prevent accurate OCR of their books. Mesorah being one of them
@quanin @serrebi @jessimica76 I’m OK with paying per song. That means I don’t have to buy the whole album
@quanin @SadisticSurgeon @wesderby @FallenRose1990 @stick_bear @jessimica76 Mmmm margaritas.
@JamesScholes @mitmee_pie Unfortunately, most publishers don’t seem to agree.
@JamesScholes @mitmee_pie Personally I believe we should be allowed complete acess.
@JamesScholes @mitmee_pie I’m not telling you to stop. I just wouldn’t make it public knowledge.
@JamesScholes @mitmee_pie That’s why any org that transcribes books into braille has to ask permission.
@JamesScholes @mitmee_pie Yes, and technically, we’re supposed to ask publishers’ permission before we do that.
@JamesScholes @mitmee_pie Yeah, but legally, it’s not. You can’t, for example, reproduce it.
@ppatel Yes very.