@CMBnet What’s the picture?
@Mongwen @wa4wga @jamminjerry Aren’t you using Qwitter?
@tarafair follow @jamminjerry
@tarafair Nope private. Get up with him for an account.
@wa4wga Did you mean to leave?
@wa4wga It’ll be easier to walk you through all the tabs that way.
@wa4wga Then tab to the authentication.. Fuck just call me.
@wa4wga Press f3. add jjhof.com as host.
@wa4wga We’re on Jerry’s server right now.
@Mongwen Hang on I’m trying to get him to create you an account.
@wa4wga No free.
@wa4wga Send you a mention. You need an account on zonebbs.com
@Mongwen I left because Jerry was sending me a ton of dms and I figured it would be easier to just talk to him.
@wa4wga But if you get it working we can go back over to the Zone.
@wa4wga Right now we’re on Jerry’s server.
@wa4wga I put the client in your dropbox.
@Mongwen No one was saying anything so I figured I’d leave.
@wa4wga You joining?
@wa4wga Give me a call if you need assistance.
@wa4wga Then you need to go to zonebbs.com and set up an account if you don’t already have one.