I’m watching Fox News and looking at other news sources online, and according to CNN, Osama Bin Laden has been buried at sea. I’m sure, however, if there is a hell, his soul is already well ensconced in it, and he has to be at least somewhat disappointed that there weren’t seventy-two virgins waiting for him. The burial at sea will hopefully prevent any shrines being built to the erstwhile terrorist. I have to say I’m very pleased with his death and that hearty congradulations are in order for the Navy Seals who carried it out. His body was handled according to Islamic tradition, which I question given that he (a) killed tons of Muslims, and (b) wasn’t representative of Islam, and (c), never gave a fig about the traditions of anyone else he killed. Oh well, good riddance, and may his memory be blotted out, or if it is remembered, for a curse and not a blessing.

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5 thoughts on “Osama Bin Laden Has Been Buried At Sea

  1. Very well said ! He never gave a respectful thought to any muslim that he had slaughtered, he had no regard for the people around or under him and Uncle Chris made a great point about his military building a home for him right next to the base, Like “Come and Get Him”

  2. I know this is an older post but I just came across your blog due to your post on another site.

    This post made my day. I don’t know if you come from an Islamic background or if you’re just well-informed but it is not often I hear people discredit Osama as claiming to be a Muslim. I am a Muslim and it drives me mad when people refer to him and other terrorists as “Jihadis” or “Islamic Extremists” because, as you said, he and other organizations never gave regard to Islamic traditions–they just hold the name, know Arabic, and pray five times a day. So I’m glad you called it ironic that it was claimed he was buried according to Muslim tradition. If the world had more well-informed people like yourself, we wouldn’t be on the brink of an Islamocaust today.

  3. I know this is an older post but I just came across your blog due to
    your post on another site.

    This post made my day. I don’t know if you come from an Islamic
    background or if you’re just well-informed but it is not often I hear
    people discredit Osama as claiming to be a Muslim. I am a Muslim and
    it drives me mad when people refer to him and other terrorists as
    “Jihadis” or “Islamic Extremists” because, as you said, he and other
    organizations never gave regard to Islamic traditions–they just hold
    the name, know Arabic, and pray five times a day. So I’m glad you
    called it ironic that it was claimed he was buried according to Muslim
    tradition. If the world had more well-informed people like yourself,
    we wouldn’t be on the brink of an Islamocaust today.

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