Untitled Goose Name (@goosname@sfba.social) (SFBA.social)
Did the NYT really publish an Opinion speculating that young girls today are more depressed than ever because of _phones_? In a world where they lost the right to control their own reproductive healthcare? Where states are pondering making them report their periods? In a world debating genital inspections to play school sports? While banning books? Where they practice school shooting drills? With climate change? Where sexual assault isn’t disqualifying for public office? Sure, it’s the phones.
GrayGooGirl 🏳️‍🌈 (@graygoogirl@mastodon.social) (Mastodon)
Watching Twitter fail into nothingness is like watching an old friend slowly lose their mental capacites. It hurts, this friend had some problems, but they helped spread the word about artists, independent journalists, mom and pop shops... Now they just sit in their recliner in the dark, wondering why their friends don't call anymore.
Tony Stark @TonyStark@democracy.town by Tony StarkTony Stark (indieweb.social)
A five year sunset on all legislation (even if a few programs are exempted and who believes them) is a foolish and irresponsible idea. It means uncertainty about whether any legislation or policy would continue—this will produce economic chaos. It also requires Congress to reconsider the entire federal government every five years. That's a project which Congress is unlikely to be able to complete in time—and that will lead to political chaos. Of course Republicans want that. This is a proposal for undermining our democracy. That kind of nihilism seems to be the only goal of the Republican Party today. If the GOP gets its way, it’s a permanent serfdom. They desperately want to gut the safety net, worker wages, and consumer protections so they can feed the rich more gold. Radical, to say the least.
Tim O'Brien (@timobrien@mastodon.social) (Mastodon)
"Beta" is a term of art in the software biz, meaning pre-release, buggy, unfinished, and not suitable for production use, among other things. FSD has been in beta since October 2020. I won't speculate about whether Tesla attorneys are advising the company to maintain the 'beta' label as a hedge against liability, but a.) that's a really long time for a beta version, and b.) it's outrageous that any company would be permitted to test this kind of tech on public roads. https://arstechnica.com/cars/2023/02/tesla-to-recall-362758-cars-because-full-self-driving-beta-is-dangerous/

More importantly, you are never, and I mean never, supposed to push beta to production (or, push beta to prod, as we say in the biz). And public roads and your customer base, as opposed to your QA team and beta test team, are about as prod as it gets. So Tesla, and by Tesla I mean Elon, has been deeply irresponsible to put it in the most charitable way possible.

Katie Moussouris (she/her)🥜👋🏼 (@k8em0@infosec.exchange) (Infosec Exchange)
Attached: 1 image If this law existed when the Internet began, many of us early hackers who have some dirt on our roots yet now loyally serve our country in cyberspace today would not be here able to defend the United States against our enemies, foreign & domestic. Redirection of talent is the way

As usual, this is performative bullshit, and yet another reason why we probably should keep technology away from Republicans in case they hurt themselves further.

Let me ask you something congressman, do you like losing to ransomware gangs? Because that’s what’s going to continue to happen as long as you refuse to lean on literally the only people who can fucking help you with this: Hackers.