Ward Q. Normal (@WardQNormal@mastodon.social) (Mastodon)
This morning brought news of yet another mass shooting in America. GOP politicians quickly responded that banning guns would be impossible and wouldn't solve the problem. Of course, in order to express that view, they had to take a short break from their work attempting to ban (among other things) children's books, abortion drugs, health care for transgender people, and drag shows.

Why do we hate the Yankees?

Money. They have enough to make Solomon BLUSH. And they’re jerks about it. Everyone has to fit the mold these days.

Also? Their fans. They made racist remarks towards our Kwan last year and they can fuck themselves for that.

Bash a man’s skills all you want. Please. God knows we do.

But you fucking well leave race out of it.


Protip: if you’re writing an article about how to make some particular HTML thing more accessible, don’t include an overlay company in the “Tools and Resources” section.

While you’re at it, probably double-check that all the ARIA roles you suggest using actually exist.

Or possibly reconsider whether you should be writing a series on web accessibility in the first place.

#accessibility #a11y #frontEnd


Second time I’ve seen it asked in two days…

No, `autocomplete` will not satisfy proposed WCAG 2.2 SC 3.3.7 Redundant Entry:

“The autocomplete feature of browsers is not considered sufficient because it is the content (the web site) that needs to provide the stored information for a redundant entry, or avoid asking for the same information again.”



CSS-only Widgets Are Inaccessible: “Any person, post, article, tweet, expert, fortune cookie, company, etc., that claims its #CSS-only interactive widget is accessible is probably wrong. While it may not be intentional, it is incumbent on you to confirm the accessibility because the person making the claim often has not.” #a11y https://adrianroselli.com/2023/03/css-only-widgets-are-inaccessible.html
