Fellow North Carolinians, if you want to follow a bot that reproduces info in text from the National Weather Service’s Raleigh office (#ncwx info), follow @iembot_rah. If you are in southeastern NC, substitute “ilm” for “rah” to get the Wilmington office. In Charlotte and elsewhere in western NC, follow the Greensboro-Spartanburg, SC, office at @iembot_gsp. You’re welcome, and thanks to the unpaid but dedicated #weather geeks who set up these bots.


I don’t care for the company, but give Substack credit for clever marketing. It’s somehow persuaded a lot of people that newsletters should be called “Substacks” — when they’re just one of many newsletter offerings, albeit a popular one.

No one calls anyone else’s blog a “WordPress” — even though the vast majority of blogs are written on that platform.

It’s understandable that people who publish on Substack do this.

But if you aren’t and do it anyway, you’re doing free PR for the company.


You don’t need to use link shorteners on Mastodon!

All links on Mastodon count as 23 characters towards your post limit, no matter how long the links actually are.

Link shortener services like bit.ly, t.co etc track users who click on their links. This is really bad for privacy. If you use link shorteners on Mastodon, people may assume you are just doing it for tracking purposes.

More info at https://fedi.tips/you-dont-need-link-shorteners-on-mastodon


It’s been a while since I’ve written something for my blog, and just posted about my journey into #TactileGraphics and #TactileArt after having gone #Blind almost a decade ago. I never thought I’d draw again, and here I am helping to teach other blind and low-vision folks how to create drawings both physically and digitally! https://marconius.com/blog/index.php/2023/04/16/on-drawing/



“My daughter was at Williams Lake today. When she and her partner returned from a walk, they found the car burgled. She is heartbroken because the thieves took a journal she had been writing over he past year of my wife’s cancer and death. Please, if you have or know who has this

PLEASE return it no questions asked to any Halifax firehall. Be kind….”~

Dr. Will Brooks, MSM, Lorne Street Fire Co. @ChiefWB3

#HALIFAX #Journal #Boost #NovaScotia


#MutualAidRequests #MutualAid

Hi everyone, I’m assisting our admin and other mods here with updating our blog page with the Mutual Aid requests. We will then share this blog periodically and boost it, so that people can visit and donate (or buy things for people off lists) as needed.

What I need from all of you: Who you are, what aid you need, and how people can help.

Thanks all.

This is where we’ll post the requests: https://disabledsocial.github.io/Disabled-Social-Blog/posts/mutualaid/


I was wondering why people on my live kept asking about Auto GPT. Apparently they were talking about it on The All In Podcast and one of them claimed it’d replace the need for technical skills in cybersecurity.

Luckily I wasn’t aware of that at the time because I would have given my take on how I’m convinced that everyone on the All-In podcast shares a single brain cell, which would have angered half of TikTok.


BRB, working on ideas for Narnia Porn (the next New Management book will take a fire axe to C. S. Lewis).

Also working out the life cycle of Resurrection Beasts like Aslan. Don’t let him molt out of his lion instar and enter the final fertile phase of his life cycle! After he mates with Tash the Inexorable and she eats his head, she’ll lay a clutch of god-eggs. When they hatch the larvae eat their host species before they chew their way out of that universe and go looking for more nutrients …
