If you received unwanted direct messages this morning, one way to mitigate this is by disallowing direct messages from accounts you aren’t following.

Navigate to Preferences, Settings, Notifications, and check the box labelled “Block direct messages from people you don’t follow”


So just a quick rundown of how social media platforms handle bitcoin scammers

🐦Twitter: Hell yeah we love that shit. Heck, we’re owned by a bitcoin scammer!

☁ Bluesky: look, free speech is free speech. But if you’d like to filter them out we’ll tag it “Finance Advice”



Hello Everyone,

This morning we have placed a temporary “limit” on the federation that we have with mastodon.social due to an influx of spam accounts. A “limit” will make posts from accounts at this domain invisible to anyone who isn’t following the posting user.

We are following up with the administrators of mastodon.social. Once more information is available, we will provide a report and make a follow up post on the official @hachyderm account.

Thank you,
The Mod Team


I tooted Hello World on November 30, 2022.

Then I began tooting my #music and a ton of #puns #jokes, and #memes. And you all responded so genuinely, and with such positivity, that I very quickly was made to feel at home.

My deepest gratitude goes out to the #Mastodon community, a #community that has literally improved the quality of my time on this spinning rock as it hurtles through space, towards a future that seems more uncertain every day. It’s unlike any other “social media platform” here.

Today, I celebrate the arbitrary milestone of five thousand followers, and I just wanted to say thank you.

Thank you for the favourites, the boosts, the follows, and the comments.

Thank you for your conversations, discussions, and corrections.

Thank you for listening to my music and sharing your thoughts on it with me, and for following along on your chosen streaming service. This has been amazing.

But, above all, I’d like to thank you all for making Mastodon the friendly and welcoming place that it is. My experience here is one of wonderful acceptance, and it has been truly humbling. There is nowhere else quite like it.

Massive big huge love to you all,

– Jon (Dgar)


The power of decentralised servers strikes. Yesterday I wrote to the server owner of my music instance to see if he would up the limit from 500 to 1000. He said ‘nope, but I’ll up it to 2000 instead.’ Within a few hours, my one-man wishlist had been fulfilled, just like that. I didn’t expect such an almost immediate response, or even to have my message seen at all because people have lives and I’m just one person, but it happened. I guess therefore all I have to do is say ‘Thanks @steve, you rock.’ This post is already over the 500 char limit and yes, it’s not on the instance I’m talking about, but that doesn’t matter. I’m just making a point. Server admins, you have my respect. Well, the good ones anyway haha


@film_girl @anildash While I don’t want to argue with you about your definition of fun, I would say that calling Bluesky objectively more fun is going a bit too far. When you’re blind like me and Bluesky hasn’t made the effort to consider how its interface makes every single thing I do unnecessarily hard by not taking accessibility into account in its initial design phase, it’s hard to say that Bluesky is fun.


@SarahBreau @delong LLMs don’t abstract; humans have to classify the training set for them. That this was done by underpaid people in the third world has been one of the reasons to suppose the corporate actors pushing LLMs are perhaps not a value of ethically reliable the rest of us ought to be OK with.

There’s a shedload of harm happening now. It’s happening because greed is a sin, not because of some spectral possibility of an inhuman intelligence.
