8/ The great disservice #Apple did the world was showing how it was profitable to treat the customer as an idiot.

“We know you don’t REALLY want a floppy drive.”

“We know better than you what to run on your device.”

And ultimately, “You can’t be trusted to program your own device.”

That is the same message the schools are giving kids with the locked-down laptops: “You can’t be trusted.”

In the 80s and 90s, teachers pulled me out of class to help them with computer problems.


Accessibility can be done, and frequently is done, from a place of saviourism.

This mindset is one where disabled people are tragic and helpless and must be saved by accessibility.

Saviours are not able to see disability as a social issue they see it as a disabled person issue.

We need accessibility practice to be led by people who see disability as the result of oppression of people with various impairments: you are disabled by society not your impairments.

When you use more progressive framings like the social model you can more clearly see that we all are responsible for inaccessibility, it’s not charity work, it’s deconstructing systems of oppression.


@themadcodger @markrprior @maegul @atomicpoet I keep seeing people recommending PWA as a solution for the lack of mobile apps for the non-Mastodon ActivityPub platforms. And I don’t get it. Those people really must have a thing for pain, because every PWA I’ve tried can most charitably be described as “janky”. Doesn’t feel natural, doesn’t deal with being offline and generally just awkward.


@gr0k @atomicpoet @gruber Bluesky only seems simpler just now as there’s only one app and one server. The whole reason for developing AT was it would be federated, but “better” than ActivityPub by allowing truly nomadic user accounts. Of course the nomadic accounts don’t exist, so maybe they’ll never enable federation and just be a centralised Twitter replacement. Then their absence of actual moderation will come to bite them.


“Social media overall feels like when I used to go out four nights a week and drink Miller Lite until 3 am: It was cheap and fun and probably created a huge part of my personality, but, yeah, I’m too old to be doing that shit again.”

— Verge EIC Nilay Patel expressing pretty perfectly my own feelings about most social mediums these days



@codinghorror I really hope the GOP starts pushing anti-porn laws, because Dems would win in a landslide in 2024.

When I was in high school, my church had a big Spiritual Growth Workshop at a large Orlando hotel. At the end of the 4-day conference the hotel manager informed our organizer that, as a group, we had broken their record for pay-per-view porn by a pretty wide margin. We broke a porn record in Florida. Do you know how hard that is? (Some pun intended)
