#Admin #IndieWebSocial

We have 250 Patrons supporting this server – my profound thanks to you all. ✊

As we head into Meta launching an ActivityPub service & Twitter continues to spiral down, I wanted to do another drive for those of our 10,600 community who can give but have not yet.

Even at the $1 dollar a month "keep the lights on" level. 💵

We are doing fine at our current level of support & traffic, but I do want to build out what is to come.
Every bit helps!



Last night I got to introduce Mai to #Jamulus, one of the singers I work with for the first time. She wants to rehearse with me but lives far away, and we found that for some reason, Jamulus’s latency is lower than SonoBus so we’re going to use that for the time being. Anyway, after a test run, I said ‘come meet all the mad people I jam with on a regular basis’ and this was the last jam of the evening for her, after about an hour of hanging out. It’s ridiculous and we call it:
Good night, see you later.


influencer voice what’s up guys, it’s [famous tech reviewer], today we’re looking at [some shit that’s gonna turn into ewaste in two years]. i’m so excited, it’s 8% faster than [last year’s version of the same exact shit].

we’re gonna be comparing it against [three other versions of the same shit from different manufactures] — not to get ahead of ourselves, but it really packs a punch for its price (conspicuously doesn’t mention that the price is what it is because of slavery and worker exploitation)

but before we get into that, a word from our sponsor, [some fucking bullshit vpn company that you’re going to let slurp up your data because i told you they’re good for your privacy and you have a parasocial relationship with me that turns off your critical thinking skills]


Every single fucking company rolling out some fake-assed “AI” system today has paragraph after paragraph of arcane IP-restricted lawyer-language agreements with every single person who works for them,

But they’re happy to deploy LLM’s whose entire dataset is based on taking content from people who did not consent to their own IP being used in this manner.

*Every* *single* *fucking* *one*.


Audio Description fans, HBO’s new Max app is worth a look. There’s over 6,500 hours of described content. Notable, beyond the many new described movies and series, quite a few old things are now available with AD, which isn’t common. If you ever wanted to watch The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Friends, Family Matters, etc, may want to browse their library. https://adp.acb.org/maxad.html


@caseynewton Which would be what I focused on in my Master’s. Unfortunately what I see is a lot of people rushing to shoot the messenger without considering the message.

I was a teen in the ’80s, an era of elevated youth suicides. It wasn’t television or telephones or even heavy metal music that drove them. It was living under the cloud of an existential threat of instant nuclear annihilation.

I haven’t read the SG Advisory yet, but when I see people like Jean Twenge claim they’ve examined the data and can’t see any possible reason for the current mental health crisis other than social media, I see people saying that they don’t think Climate Change is an issue, or Western countries’ adventures in the Middle East is an issue, or the disturbing rise of fascist ideas is an issue, or declining prospects for social and economic mobility is an issue, or the ongoing hot war in Europe is an issue…

My kid is about to turn 21. What he and all his friends make clear is that the problem is no one is listening to them about what the problems are. Blaming social media instead of fixing the issues that get talked about on social media is just asking them to be docile and accepting.


Bye bye AccessibleHandler, you will not be missed.

The latest update to Firefox Nightly on Windows removes all traces of the old and slow architecture that gave us users and current and former Mozilla employees so many headaches, present company included. As of today, there is no way to invoke the old architecture any more, and the project formerly known as Cache-The-World is now the only way Firefox communicates web content to assistive technologies. Congratulations to the whole team! #Firefox #accessibility


A group of “Scared Scientists” created a website. Here is what one of them has to say…

Marine Ecologist
University of Technology Sydney, Deakin University


IPCC predicts that the impacts of climate change will be catastrophic. This affects everybody. Nobody is safe. We’re going to lose low-lying countries, there will be a loss of livestock, potential widespread famine, and species extinction.

One thing people need to remember is that scientists are the biggest skeptics on Earth. We’re constantly trying to disprove each other. This is the one thing we agree on. The evidence is endless. We’re not making this up, this is really serious, we’re very concerned, and there’s not enough being done about it. We really need to be pushing our governments. Let’s not look back and regret what we’ve done.

MORE HERE — https://cargocollective.com/scared_scientists

#ClimateCatastrophe #Extinction


If you accept the evangelical preposition that a human life begins at conception;

And the evangelical preposition that a human that does not accept Christ is doomed to hell forever;

And the human body was perfectly designed by a higher creator;

And the observed scientific fact that roughly 25% of fertilized eggs fail to implant;

Then seemingly you exist in a nightmare reality in which an all powerful being seems to have built a wildly effective method for generating, harvesting and feeding souls directly to hell which; honestly kinda explains a LOT about most evangelicals I have met.
