#Meta is having a very bad year. The latest decision (issued by the #CJEU yesterday in Meta Platforms Inc, et al., v. Bundeskartellamt, C-C252/21) adds to their woes, but more importantly, I anticipate it will force us all to re-evaluate #processing, #lawful bases, special category data, and #inferences derived from that data.

In my article, I explore the case in detail, as well as some hypotheses on the impact of this decision broadly to #BigTech, with examples.

But I’m curious to hear your thoughts and observations. Am I being a Cassandra? Overly pessimistic? Completely overthinking this? What implications am I missing?

I’ll note here (even though I didn’t mention it in the article) that this may also portend the effective death of the One Stop Shop mechanism, which is already on shaky ground after the whole spat between the #DPC and other regulators. Who needs Ireland if competition authorities can also raise issues under the GDPR?

CJEU case: https://curia.europa.eu/juris/document/document_print.jsf?mode=DOC&pageIndex=0&docid=275125&part=1&doclang=FR&text=&dir=&occ=first&cid=62013

Substack: https://careylening.substack.com/p/metas-wakeup-call-and-big-techs-new


No, recruiters.

I do not want to be part of a “challenging” team.

I’m in my mid-50s. I want to be part of a “mature” team, a “powerful” team with a large and well-managed “throughput”, a “structured” team that knows how to use processes to quickly and accurately handle the Same Stuff Happens Every Week so that when someone else comes screaming in with their ass on fire babbling about something someone else broke and We Need To Document This Thing NOW NOW NOW, one or two of us can calmly turn from our current tasks, neatly and quickly handle La Emergencia, and calm the panicked person’s heartrate without raising our own.

I’m old. Fuck “ambition”. I just want a good paycheck and no dumbass “this REALLY could have been avoided” hasslepanic.


Aral Balkan (@aral@mastodon.ar.al) (Aral’s Mastodon)
Dear tech bros, Have you licked the boots of your favourite billionaire and/or trillion-dollar corporation yet today? Remember to nitpick and challenge every word of those trying to warn folks away from them and creating alternatives that don’t exploit people for profit (fucking commies, amirite?) while giving them every benefit of the doubt (let’s be frank, who hasn’t caused the occasional genocide?) Silicon Valley thanks you for your service. #SiliconValley #techBros #BigTech #bootLickers