“‘There is no excuse for it. Thomas could invite them to his Christmas party and he could attend Christmas parties, as long as they are not discussing any cases. His Christmas party should not be paid for by lawyers,’ Painter said. ‘A federal government employee collecting money from lawyers for any reason … I don’t see how that works.’” #Corruption #ClarenceThomasProblem



Yesterday I heard someone on the radio arguing against working from home, and I havent been able to get it out of my head.

When the person she was “debating” with said “I save 90 minutes a day on the commute” she replied:

“I can imagine that being a good thing if it translated to 90 minutes more work, but people just use it to have a leisurely breakfast, or spend time cooking a nicer evening meal instead of being productive.”

I just cant understand how you can be so broken as a person.


I wish we could make it mandatory that web developers use their very obtuse web design choices instead of using whatever tool works for them. I just, I just don’t know how web developers make some silly choices they make without using their own creation? Like, if you’re a #WebDev does it annoy you that you can’t copy and paste from your own website, for example? If it annoys you, why do it? I really wanna know. How do you deal with your own creation? Doesn’t it frustrate you when you can’t just copy and paste a password into your own password field you created? I genuinely wanna know!


I am not sure if Nick Sousanis is here on Mastodon (I don’t think so) but his latest work around how to create comics accessible for blind and low vision readers is fascinating and an intriguing look at how to extend a visual literacy (comics) into the audio/text reader world.
More: https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/06/28/1074341/comics-beyond-sight/
And: https://spinweaveandcut.com/mitcomic/


📣 As a blind person, I’m deeply concerned about the proposed closure of ticket offices and reduction of station personnel in England’s train stations. This move would leave us with limited assistance and inaccessible services. Let’s voice our opinions and participate in the consultation to ensure our needs are taken into account. #AccessibleTransport #InclusiveServices



Accessibility companies should not be filing SLAPP lawsuits against accessibility advocates. (SLAPP = Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation). But in my opinion that is what is happening in AudioEye’s lawsuit against Adrian Roselli @aardrian for his writings and talks about the harms of accessibility overlays. I wrote about it here: https://www.lflegal.com/2023/07/adrian-roselli-slapp-lawsuit/ #Accessibility #a11y #SLAPP


It’s fascinating to watch people here uncritically buying into the narratives around recent legislative efforts to make tech giants start paying news agencies for the news stories they scrape, narratives that begin by assuming that “News” is all dirty corrupt billionaires but Silicon Valley Tech Giants are our friendly underdogs who desperately need defending.

Like. We all know the big businesses in both industries are rotten and corrupt, why are we so stupid as to picks sides when we should be looking at the actual issues here.

Like, for example, the way google et all are trying to eat EVERYBODYs lunch – they want to scrape everybody’s content and serve it as their own. They want your audience to look at them instead of you. And it doesn’t really matter whether you’re a Big Evil Media Baron or a small recipe blogger who pays their rent from the merch bought by a few thousand fans who (used to) find them through a google search, it’s wrong either way.


vmWare Fusion 13 Pro for Mac supports Windows 11 for ARM. Fusion requires a Windows 11 ISO to install Windows 11. Microsoft provides install ISOs of every OS, except the ARM version of Windows 11, providing VHDX files instead. “Remember, now, downloading ISOs from anywhere except Microsoft could result in hacking and other bad things, but we won’t give you an ISO, because fuck you.”


Thinking about how much heat Mastodon gets for being “confusing” when most of the people saying that use Discord on a regular basis. Discord is a UX nightmare. I’ve been on it for several years and still struggle to figure things out. Twitch, too, is confusing as hell. Why do Discord and Twitch get a free pass while Mastodon gets berated 24/7? I’m not saying that the fact that Discord and Twitch have awful user interfaces excuses Mastodon’s problems with onboarding etc., but it’s weird that it seems to be held to a very different standard than other popular platforms.
