Toot by Paul JacobsonPaul Jacobson (

@serge To add to what Serge is saying in this conversation, I think the part of all this that cuts so deep is that the fediverse has consistently held itself out as essentially holier than big social and even the rest of the internet when it comes to various bigotries. And then October 7 happened and it proceeds to, after watching all the bad things everyone else did with regard to antisemitism, go "Hold my coffee" and prove that in the end it's not only no better but often far worse than everything else it criticizes.

Toot by Scarlet the FoxScarlet the Fox (

Network effect, (I.E., all their friends/family are on surveillance social and so that's where they are), switching costs, (big social makes these really high, you can't move your network and you can't follow your network from small social and you can't migrate your content), and finally the UX tends to be easier for users on big social. All of this will outweigh privacy concerns as long as people can't quite wrap their heads around all the implications involved.