Toot by David DunphyDavid Dunphy (

Elementor is a page builder for WordPress which adds a metric ton of extra cruft to the WordPress database while at the same time essentially creating a lock-in effect for your content. Migrating away from it is tedious, and also necessary if you're remedciating a site for WCAG conformance, let alone anything above that to improve the accessibility and useability of a site.

Toot by Wil JamesWil James (

@bryansmart Honestly I think a lot of parents are sending their kids to religious schools because, aside from the disability issue, the education the students get is miles better when it comes to secular subjects than they will get in their local public schools, and anyone who wants to ensure their tax dollars don't go to religious schools is going to have to start stepping up and doing things like becoming active in local schoolboard meetings and such in order to make public schools provide better.

Toot by Eric EggertEric Eggert (

@mekkaokereke Suspension of license happens all the time here. And as someone who is fully reliant on the driving of others I absolutely empathize with people in this situation because when you can't drive you are pretty much screwed in this country. I get the importance of on-time child support, my brother and sisters and I relied on it as kids. And our father was a total jerk about it and it wasn't because he couldn't afford it. But suspending someone's driver's license over it is completely counterproductive in all kinds of ways.